Both SEBI and AMFI are important regulatory bodies in the Indian mutual fund market. However, both differ in terms of their roles, responsibilities, and scope of operations. Let’s review the SEBI vs. AMFI debate in detail below:
1. Nature and authority - SEBI vs AMFI
SEBI and AMFI differ in terms of their nature and authority. SEBI is a statutory regulatory body established by the SEBI Act of 1992, while AMFI is a non-statutory, self-regulatory organisation created for the mutual fund industry in India. SEBI also holds the authority to regulate the entire Indian securities market, which includes mutual funds, stock exchanges, and other intermediaries. AMFI, on the other hand, operates primarily to promote ethical practices among its members, which includes SEBI-registered mutual funds. This means that the mutual fund houses issuing mutual fund schemes must adhere to both SEBI and AMFI guidelines.
2. Scope of regulation - SEBI vs AMFI
Scope of regulation is an important point of difference between SEBI and AMFI. SEBI is the primary regulatory body of the Indian securities market and therefore, commands a broader regulatory scope. It is responsible for overseeing and regulating all aspects and elements of the Indian stock market, including trading, listing, and other market-linked activities. AMFI’s scope is limited to the mutual fund industry in India. In other words, AMFI has a narrower regulatory scope since it's limited to the mutual fund segment of the securities market.
3. Functions and powers - SEBI vs AMFI
SEBI is responsible for protecting investor interests, regulating business operations in the securities market, and promoting the development of the market. As a statutory body, SEBI is vested with quasi-judicial and quasi-executive powers whereby SEBI can examine books of accounts, pass judgements, and take legal action against violators. If SEBI finds evidence of unethical practices, it can impose penalties, suspend, or even cancel registrations. Additionally, SEBI can also formulate rules and regulations pertaining to various aspects of the Indian securities market, including listing requirements, insider trading regulations, disclosure requirements, and codes of conduct.
AMFI, on the other hand, primarily acts as the custodian of industry standards for the Indian mutual fund industry. It ensures that members adhere to SEBI’s guidelines and helps promote ethical practices in the industry. Since the mutual fund industry is heavily dependent on online platforms, AMFI is responsible for ensuring ease of access as well as safety of the investor. AMFI can also conduct audits and inspections to ensure transparency in the industry. Apart from the regulatory functions, AMFI also conducts seminars, workshops, and programmes to promote financial literacy among investors. AMFI plays a crucial role in disseminating information through its investor education and awareness campaigns. This variance in their powers and functions is a significant difference between SEBI and AMFI.
4. Membership - SEBI vs AMFI
SEBI and AMFI also differ in terms of membership. Membership, as such, is not applicable for SEBI since it is a regulatory body. However, market participants like investment advisors, RTAs, and mutual fund houses must register with SEBI. SEBI has different regulations and requirements for registration. For instance, investment advisors need to obtain minimum qualifications and pass a certification examination to register with SEBI.
AMFI membership is mandatory for every mutual fund house, trustee, adviser, and intermediary (agent). AMFI issues specific ARNs (AMFI Registration Numbers) to eligible parties like mutual fund distributors that meet the set eligibility criteria. An ARN is a mandatory licence for any entity that wants to sell mutual fund units. A valid ARN ensures that the distributor adheres to the set industry norms and standards.
5. Investor protection - SEBI vs AMFI
SEBI plays a crucial role in ensuring protection of investor interests in the Indian securities market. To foster investor protection, the statutory body prohibits insider trading, checks price rigging, and promotes fair trading practices in the market. Investors can use the online SCORES platform to register grievances and complaints against SEBI-registered entities like listed companies and intermediaries.
AMFI sets standards for mutual fund companies to protect and promote investor interests. It also monitors compliance and offers a platform for grievance redressal where investors can lodge complaints against mutual fund houses. As a self-regulatory body, AMFI can investigate complaints against MF companies that violate standards and even revoke their membership. Additionally, AMFI also promotes investor protection with its investor education campaigns.
6. Regulatory framework - SEBI vs AMFI
SEBI’s regulatory framework is defined by the SEBI Act of 1992. SEBI is vested with the regulatory power to formulate rules, codes of conduct, and guidelines for market participants, conduct audits and inquiries, and regulate operations of stock brokers and merchant brokers. SEBI’s enforceable regulatory powers extend to the entire stock market, including mutual funds.
AMFI, on the other hand, operates within the regulatory framework set by SEBI. In other words, it focuses on ensuring compliance with SEBI’s regulations, circulars, and guidelines.