Home loan fees and charges

Go through all the fees and charges applicable before applying for a home loan.

Applicable fees and charges

We advise you to read about our fees and charges thoroughly before applying.

Type of fee

Applicable charges

Rate of interest




8.25%* to 17.00%* p.a.

8.50%* to 17.00%* p.a.

8.30%* to 17.00%* p.a.

Processing fees

Up to 4% of the loan amount + GST as applicable

Bounce charges

For loan amounts up to Rs. 15 lakhs: Rs. 500

For loan amounts from Rs. 15,00,001 to Rs. 30,00,000: Rs. 500

For loan amounts from Rs. 30,00,001 to Rs. 50,00,000: Rs. 1,000

For loan amounts from Rs. 50,00,001 to Rs. 1,00,00,000: Rs. 1,000

For loan amounts from Rs. 1,00,00,001 to Rs. 5,00,00,000: Rs. 3,000

For loan amounts from Rs. 5,00,00,001 to Rs. 10,00,00,000: Rs. 3,000

For loan amounts more than Rs. 10 crores: Rs. 10,000

Penal charge

Click here to know about the penal charges.

Interest and Principal Statement Charges NIL

Part-prepayment charges

(1) For individual and non-individual borrowers with floating interest rate loans for non-business purposes:

  • For Term Loan – Nil
  • For Flexi Term Loan – Nil

(2) For individual and non-individual borrowers with floating interest rate loans for business purposes and all borrowers with fixed interest rate** loans:

  • For Term Loan – 2% on the part-prepayment amount.
  • Flexi Term Loan - Nil

*GST as applicable will be payable by the borrower in addition to the prepayment charges, if any.

**Nil for home loans closed by borrowers out of their own sources. Own sources refer to any source, other than borrowing from a bank/NBFC/HFC and/or a financial institution.

Note: In the case of dual-rate home loans (fixed for the initial period and then floating), the foreclosure/part-prepayment charges will be applicable as per the status of the loan as on the foreclosure/part-prepayment date.

Foreclosure Charges

(1) For individual and non-individual borrowers with floating interest rate loans for non-business purposes:

  • For Term Loan – Nil
  • For Flexi Term Loan – Nil

(2) For individual and non-individual borrowers with floating interest rate loans for business purposes and all borrowers with fixed interest rate** loans:

  • For Term Loan – 4%* on principal outstanding
  • For Flexi Term Loan – 4%* on the sanctioned amount during the Flexi interest only loan repayment tenure; and 4%* on the available Flexi loan limit during the Flexi Term Loan tenure

*GST as applicable will be payable by the borrower in addition to the prepayment charges, if any.

**Nil for home loans closed by borrowers out of their own sources. Own sources refer to any source, other than borrowing from a bank/NBFC/HFC and/or a financial institution.

Note: In the case of dual-rate home loans (fixed for the initial period and then floating), the foreclosure/part-prepayment charges will be applicable as per the status of the loan as on the foreclosure/part-prepayment date.

How to apply for a home loan

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Step-by-step guide to applying for a home loan

  1. Click on the 'APPLY' button on this page.
  2. Enter your full name, mobile number, and employment type.
  3. Now select the type of loan you wish to apply for.
  4. Generate and submit your OTP to verify your phone number.
  5. Upon OTP verification, enter additional details like your monthly income, required loan amount, and if you have identified the property.
  6. In the next steps, enter your date of birth, PAN number and other details as requested depending on your selected occupation type.
  7. Click on the ‘SUBMIT’ button.

That is it! Your application is submitted. Our representative will connect with you and guide you through the next steps.