LIC Mutual Fund
₹ 35520.15 Cr
Total Schemes
Total Schemes
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
One of the reputable AMCs in India is the LIC Mutual Fund. All mutual fund houses are subject to stringent SEBI regulation. But when it comes to market-linked products like mutual funds, no asset management firm can ensure the protection of capital. It is preferable to assess your financial objectives, level of risk tolerance and investment horizon before selecting a fund.
To calculate monthly SIP investment in LIC Mutual Fund, one needs to consider certain things such as:
You can also use the Bajaj Finance SIP Calculator to calculate your approximate SIP returns.
One can start investing in a LIC Life Mutual Fund online through the Bajaj Finserv platform and app without any hassle. Alternatively, you can also invest through the respective fund houses’ website.
If you have invested in an LIC Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can easily redeem it through the Bajaj Finserv website or app.
You can easily increase your SIP amount in an LIC Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv website or app.
If you have invested in any LIC Mutual Fund online scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can stop or cancel an SIP by logging into your account on the Bajaj Finserv platform and app without hassle.
You can get tax-benefits under section 80C by investing in ELSS mutual funds offered by LIC.
If you have invested in any LIC Mutual Fund statement scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can get your statement online on the Bajaj Finserv website or app.