Tata Mutual Fund
₹ 184828.02 Cr
Total Schemes
Total Schemes
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Debt Funds are a good choice for investors who want to see returns in the near future (within three years). The investor's profile will determine which TATA Mutual Fund plan is suitable for the short term. Which debt fund is best for you will depend on a variety of factors, including your age, risk tolerance, financial objectives, and investing horizon. For instance, if the investment is for a few days, they may take into account overnight funds. Liquid funds are appropriate for investments lasting up to three months. It is required that low-duration funds hold securities with an average maturity of between six and twelve months.
On the gains in mutual funds, every investor is required to pay capital gains taxes. Depending on how long an investment is held for, taxes may be long- or short-term. Additionally, the sort of mutual fund you have invested in affects the tax amount.
Mutual Fund Type |
Holding Period |
Type of capital gains tax |
Tax Liability |
Debt-oriented funds |
Less than 36 months |
Short-term capital gains |
As per the investor's income tax slab rate |
Equity-oriented funds |
Less than 12 months |
Short-term capital gains |
15% |
Debt-oriented funds |
Greater than 36 months |
Long-term capital gains |
20% with indexation |
Equity-oriented funds |
Greater than 12 months |
Long-term capital gains |
10% for amount exceeding Rs 1 Lakh |
The Tata SIP calculator offers a user-friendly way for investors to estimate the potential returns on their mutual fund investments. It simplifies the process into two main steps:
Choose investment method: Investors start by selecting their preferred investment method—either through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) or lump-sum payments.
Input investment details: Next, investors provide details such as the monthly investment amount, the tenure of the investment, and the expected annual rate of return.
Based on this information, the calculator projects the growth of the investment over the selected period. Here’s how you can use the Tata SIP calculator in three simple steps:
If you have invested in a Tata Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can easily redeem it through the Bajaj Finserv website or app. Simply log in to your account with Bajaj Finserv and tap on “My Relations” Under My Relations you will find all your active relationships with Bajaj which would include investments as well. Tap on “Tata Mutual Fund” and follow the steps to withdraw your Tata Mutual fund.
If you want to increase the SIP amount in the Tata mutual fund, you can start an additional SIP in the same fund. For example, if you are investing Rs. 1,000 and want to increase your total SIP amount to Rs. 1,500, you can start and additional SIP of Rs. 500.
If you have invested in any Tata Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can stop or cancel an SIP by logging into your account on the Bajaj Finserv platform and app without hassle.
If you have invested in any Tata Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can get your statement online on the Bajaj Finserv website or app. Just simply log in to your account, select the mutual fund for which you want the statement, tap on “Documents”, tap on the statement and view or download it.
Tata Mutual Fund AMC offers a diverse range of investment options, including equity funds, debt funds, hybrid funds, and solution-oriented funds. There are over 30 schemes catering to various investment needs and risk profiles.
No, a DEMAT account is not required to invest in Tata Mutual Fund. You can invest directly through the fund house's website or other mutual fund platforms. However, having a DEMAT account can facilitate the ease of managing multiple investments.
To use the Tata Mutual Fund, transact online facility, register on the official Tata Mutual Fund website, log in to your account, and follow the steps to transact, which include selecting the scheme, entering investment details, and completing the payment process securely.
Tata Mutual Fund's schemes are not inherently tax-free. However, certain schemes like Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Taxation on other schemes depends on the holding period and the nature of the fund.