HDFC Mutual Fund
₹ 752336.17 Cr
Total Schemes
Total Schemes
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
No, HDFC mutual funds are not inherently tax-free. The tax implications on HDFC mutual fund investments depend on various factors such as the type of fund (equity, debt, hybrid), holding period, and your tax bracket. While some types of mutual funds, like ELSS, offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, it's essential to consult with a financial advisor to understand the specific tax implications for your investments.
In general equity mutual funds give high returns in long-term, but there is a risk-factor attached to them as well.
While HDFC offers various mutual fund types, equity funds generally have the potential to provide the highest returns over the long term. However, it's important to remember that past performance doesn't guarantee future results, and equity funds also come with higher risk. It's advisable to consult with a financial advisor to determine the best HDFC MF type based on your individual risk tolerance and financial goals.
To start an HDFC Mutual Fund SIP online, you'll need to create an account on the HDFC Mutual Fund website or app. Once registered, choose the fund you want to invest in and set up a recurring investment. You can schedule the SIP frequency (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) and the amount to be invested. Provide your bank details for automatic deduction, and complete the KYC process
To calculate your HDFC Mutual Fund SIP, you'll need to know the SIP amount, the expected annual return, and the investment horizon. Use an online SIP calculator or a financial advisor to estimate your future value. Factors like market fluctuations and fund performance can affect the actual returns.
If you have invested in a HDFC Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can easily redeem it through the Bajaj Finserv website or app.
To increase your SIP amount in HDFC Mutual Fund, you can either:
HDFC Mutual Fund is a reputable AMC in India with a strong track record. However, like any market-linked investment, mutual funds carry inherent risks. The safety of your investment depends on various factors, including the fund's investment strategy, market conditions, and your individual risk tolerance. It's essential to conduct thorough research or consult with a financial advisor to select schemes that align with your financial goals and risk appetite.
For short-term investments (up to three years), debt funds are generally suitable. Within this category, the most appropriate choice depends on your specific investment horizon. Overnight funds are ideal for very short-term needs, while liquid funds are suitable for investments up to three months. For slightly longer durations, low-duration funds (6-12 months) and short-duration funds (1-3 years) can be considered. It's advisable to match your investment horizon with the average portfolio maturity of the chosen fund to minimize interest rate risk.
To obtain your HDFC Mutual Fund statement, visit the HDFC Mutual Fund website and request a statement. You can also use platforms like CAMS Online or Kfintech to request a consolidated statement.