Frequently asked questions
What is the maximum tenure to repay the medical equipment finance?
You can take advantage of our flexible repayment tenures ranging up to 120 months
What is the CIBIL Score required to be eligible for medical equipment finance?
A CIBIL Score of 720 or higher is required to apply for our medical equipment finance.
Do I need to provide any security to get a medical equipment finance?
You do not have to provide any collateral or security such as property or gold ornaments to apply for our medical equipment finance.
What is the maximum amount of medical equipment finance that I can get?
You can get a medical equipment finance of up to 300000000, which you can repay comfortably over a long tenure of up to 120 months.
What are the eligibility criteria for getting medical equipment finance?
The eligibility criteria are as follows:
Nationality: Indian
- Minimum age - 18 years (18 years for non-financial /co-applicant/guarantor)
- Maximum age - 95 years*
CIBIL Score: 720 or higher
*Higher age limit is applicable at the time of loan maturity.
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