Short-term investments are financial instruments designed for a brief investment horizon, typically ranging from a few months to a few years. They operate on the principle of preserving capital while generating reasonable returns in a relatively short period. Here's how they work:
1. Liquidity and Accessibility
Short-term investments emphasize liquidity, allowing investors to access their funds quickly and without significant penalties. This makes them suitable for short-term financial goals and unforeseen expenses.
2. Investment Options
short term investments encompass a variety of options, such as Savings account, Fixed deposits, Recurring deposits, National Savings Certificate, Liquid Funds, Investments in NCD's/ Corporate or Company Deposits, Treasury Securities, Post-Office Time Deposits. These options differ in terms of risk and return potential.
3. Returns
Short-term investments typically offer lower returns compared to long-term options like stocks. However, they provide stability and capital preservation.
Highlights of Good Short-Term Investments
Here are some key highlights of good short-term investments:
1. Safety
Opt for investments that prioritise the safety of your principal amount.
2. Liquidity
Look for investments that offer easy access to your funds without incurring substantial penalties. Liquid funds and savings accounts are known for their high liquidity.
3. Risk-Adjusted Returns
Evaluate investments based on their risk-return profiles. Understand that some options, like equity-linked investments, might offer higher returns but come with higher risk.
4. Suitability
Ensure that your chosen short term investment align with your financial goals and investment horizon.
What makes a good short-term investment?
1. Liquidity
A good short-term investment should be easily convertible to cash, providing quick access to funds when needed.
2. Low Risk
Minimising risk is crucial for short-term investments; opt for instruments with lower volatility and stable returns.
3. Short Maturity Period
Choose investments with shorter time frames, aligning with your specific financial goals and minimising exposure to market fluctuations.
4. Interest Rates
Consider investments with competitive interest rates to ensure optimal returns within the chosen short time horizon.
5. Safety and Security
Prioritise safety by selecting instruments issued by reputable entities or backed by government guarantees.
6. Diversification
Diversify short term investment across various instruments to spread risk and enhance overall portfolio stability.
7. Tax Efficiency
Explore tax-efficient short-term investment options to maximise returns after accounting for applicable taxes.
8. Ease of Management
Opt for investments that are easy to manage, requiring minimal ongoing attention and administrative efforts.
How to calculate returns from short term investment plans?
To calculate absolute returns on short-term investments, use the formula:
ROI = (End Value - Initial Value) / Initial Value × 100
This gives the return on investment percentage. Alternatively, an ROI calculator can simplify the process.