Manage your Gold Loan payments in My Account

Make an interest payment or part-prepay your ongoing gold loan.

Manage your gold loan repayment

When you borrow a gold loan from us, you have multiple options to repay your loan. You can pay your interest amount monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually depending on the repayment scheme you’ve opted for. You can pay your principal amount anytime during the tenure or at the end of it.

However, our customer portal customer portal offers you multiple payment options to manage your loan repayment. You can make interest payments online anytime when you have surplus funds. You can also pay both principal and interest components online by choosing the part-prepayment option.

  • Make your gold loan payment in your account

    Make your gold loan payment in your account

    • Visit the customer portal by clicking on the ‘Sign-in’ button on this page.
    • Enter the registered mobile number and the OTP.
    • Verify yourself with your date of birth and proceed.
    • Select the loan account from the ‘Your relations’ section.
    • Click on ‘Make Payments’ within the ‘Quick Actions’ section.
    • Choose the type of payment you want to make.
    • Enter the required details and proceed to pay using our secured payment getaway.

    Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Pay your gold loan EMIs’ option given below to go to your account. You’ll be asked to sign-in. Once signed-in, select your loan account from the ‘Your relations’ section. Click on ‘Make Payment’ within the ‘Quick Actions’ section and proceed.

    Pay your gold loan EMIs

  • You can check your repayment status with the statement of account. Click on the respective link at the top of this page for more information.

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  • Check your gold loan account

    Visit our customer portal – My Account to find details of your ongoing loan.