UTI Mutual Fund
₹ 345683.53 Cr
Total Schemes
Total Schemes
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
The UTI Mutual Fund was registered with the SEBI on February 1st 2003.
Yes, UTI is registered with SEBI under registration number MF/048/03/01.
One of the reputable AMCs in India is the UTI mutual fund. All mutual fund houses are subject to stringent SEBI regulation. But when it comes to market-linked products like mutual funds, no asset management firm can ensure the protection of capital. It is preferable to assess your financial objectives, level of risk tolerance and investment horizon before selecting a fund.
You can get tax-benefits under section 80C by investing in ELSS mutual funds offered UTI Mutual Fund.
If you have invested in any UTI Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can stop or cancel an SIP by logging into your account on the Bajaj Finserv platform and app without hassle.
If you have invested in any UTI Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can get your statement online on the Bajaj Finserv website or app.
If you have invested in a UTI Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can easily increase your SIP amount through the Bajaj Finserv website or app.
If you have invested in a UTI Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can easily redeem it through the Bajaj Finserv website or app.
No, UTI Mutual Fund is not a government company; it is a professionally managed investment company. While it has historical ties to the government, UTI Mutual Fund operates as an independent entity in the financial market.
Determining the "best" UTI scheme depends on individual investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial circumstances. Investors should assess factors like fund performance, investment objectives, and expense ratios when selecting a UTI scheme. Consulting with a financial advisor can help identify the most suitable UTI scheme based on specific investment needs.
The return rate of UTI SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) varies depending on the specific scheme chosen and market conditions. Historically, UTI SIPs have delivered competitive returns over the long term, but past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors can check the historical performance of UTI SIPs and consult with financial advisors for expectations regarding returns.
The minimum investment amount in UTI Mutual Fund schemes varies depending on the specific scheme and type of investment (lump sum or SIP). Typically, the minimum initial investment for most UTI Mutual Fund schemes ranges from Rs. 500 to Rs. 5,000. Investors should refer to the scheme's offer document or consult with the fund house for specific minimum investment requirements.
Investors can initiate a withdrawal from UTI Mutual Fund by submitting a redemption request through various channels such as online portals, mobile apps, or physical forms. The redemption proceeds are usually credited to the investor's registered bank account within a specified period. It's important to note any applicable exit load, taxes, and timing restrictions associated with the redemption process.