Canara Robeco Mutual Fund
₹ 19603.1 Cr
Total Schemes
Total Schemes
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Min. investment
5 Year Returns
Canara Robeco Mutual Funds are investment vehicles managed by Canara Robeco Asset Management Company Ltd. (CRAMC), offering a range of investment options, including equity, debt, hybrid, and thematic funds, for investors seeking diversification and professional fund management services. These funds aim to help investors achieve their financial goals and wealth creation objectives.
You can check the minimum investment amounts for different Canara Robeco Mutual Fund schemes on the Bajaj Finserv Platform.
One can start an SIP in a Canara Robeco Mutual Fund scheme online through the Bajaj Finserv platform and app without any hassle. Alternatively, you can also invest through the respective fund houses’ website.
You can check the minimum required amount to start an SIP in a Canara Robeco Mutual Fund scheme on the Bajaj Finserv Platform.
If you have invested in a Canara Robeco Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can easily redeem it through the Bajaj Finserv website or app.
If you have invested in a Canara Robeco Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can easily increase your SIP amount through the Bajaj Finserv website or app.
If you have invested in any Canara Robeco Mutual Fund scheme through the Bajaj Finserv platform, you can stop or cancel an SIP by logging into your account on the Bajaj Finserv platform and app without hassle.