Convert Bigha to Gaj

Easily convert Bigha to Gaj using our online conversion tool. This tool helps you quickly and accurately convert land measurements from Bigha to Gaj, simplifying property calculations and land area conversions.
Convert Bigha to Gaj
2 min read
1 November 2023

Land measurement units can be a source of confusion when it comes to unit conversions. One of the commonly used conversions is the transition from ‘Bigha’ to ‘Gaj.’ Read on to understand the Bigha to Gaj conversion and popular conversions in different states.

Understanding Bigha to Gaj conversion

Bigha and Gaj are units used for measuring land area, but they have different values based on the location. The conversion factor from Bigha to Gaj differs significantly between states and regions. To perform this conversion, you need to know the local conversion factor in your area.

Popular Bigha to Gaj conversions

1 bigha is approximately equal to 1210.010 gaj

1 bigha is equivalent to around 1210.01 gaj

1000 bigha is roughly equal to 1210010.08 gaj

Popular Bigha to Gaj conversions table



1 Bigha to Gaj


2 Bigha to Gaj


3 Bigha to Gaj


4 Bigha to Gaj


5 Bigha to Gaj


6 Bigha to Gaj


7 Bigha to Gaj


8 Bigha to Gaj


9 Bigha to Gaj


10 Bigha to Gaj


11 Bigha to Gaj


12 Bigha to Gaj


13 Bigha to Gaj


14 Bigha to Gaj


15 Bigha to Gaj


16 Bigha to Gaj


17 Bigha to Gaj


18 Bigha to Gaj


19 Bigha to Gaj


20 Bigha to Gaj


About Bigha

The term ‘Bigha’ is a traditional unit of land measurement in India. However, it is important to note that Bigha values vary significantly across different states. This can be a source of confusion and complications when dealing with land transactions. Let us look at some approximate dimensions of a Bigha in various Indian states:

  1. Bihar: In Bihar, one Bigha is often referred to as ‘Biswa Bigha’ or ‘Kachcha Bigha.’ It typically spans around 13,450 square feet.
  2. Uttar Pradesh: Uttar Pradesh also uses the ‘Biswa Bigha,’ and its measurements are nearly identical to those in Bihar, with approximately 13,450 square feet per Bigha.
  3. Punjab and Haryana: In both Punjab and Haryana, one Bigha is composed of 20 Bishwa and is equivalent to approximately 9,000 square feet.
  4. Rajasthan: In Rajasthan, a Bigha consists of 5 Biswa and spans roughly 6,772 square feet.

Understanding the local measurement standards for Bigha is crucial to ensure that land transactions are conducted accurately. It is important to know the local measurement standards to prevent any misunderstandings or disputes when dealing with land transactions.

Bigha to other units conversion

1 bigha to square Yard

2,990 sq yd

1 bigha to square meter

2,500 sq mt

1 bigha to ground

1.04 ground

1 bigha to acre

0.62 acre

1 bigha to gunta

2.30 gunta

1 bigha to square feet

26910.66 sq ft


About Gaj

‘Gaj’ is another unit of land measurement used in India, and it is equivalent to one square yard. Unlike Bigha, Gaj is generally used for smaller land areas, making it important to understand the relationship between the two units.

Dimensions of Gaj

As previously mentioned, one Gaj is equivalent to one square yard. This means that the standard dimensions for a Gaj are 1 yard in length and 1 yard in width, forming a perfect square unit of measurement.

Gaj to other units conversion

1 Gaj to square feet

9 square feet

1 Gaj to foot

3 foot

1 Gaj to inch

36 inches

1 Gaj to meter

0.91444 meter

1 Gaj to bigha

0.0003333305593 bigha

1 Gaj to acre

0.000204682 acre


Difference between bigha to gaj

The conversion between bigha and gaj can vary depending on the region and local measurement standards. Both bigha and gaj are units of area commonly used in South Asian countries, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. However, the specific conversion factors can differ between regions.

1. Bigha:

Bigha is a traditional unit of measurement for land area. It is commonly used in South Asian countries and has different values in different regions. For example:

  • In Northern India, 1 bigha is often considered to be equivalent to approximately 0.625 acres or 2,529 square meters.
  • In Eastern India, 1 bigha can be around 0.33 acres or 1,335 square meters.
  • In Western India, 1 bigha may be equivalent to 0.6 acres or 2,420 square meters.

2. Gaj:

  • Gaj is another unit of area, and it is commonly used in India. One gaj is typically considered to be equal to 9 square feet.
  • Therefore, 1 square meter is approximately equal to 0.8361 gaj.

To convert from bigha to gaj, you would need to know the specific value of 1 bigha in square meters or acres for the relevant region, and then use the conversion factor to find the equivalent area in gaj. Keep in mind that the exact conversion may vary based on regional standards and practices. For added convenience, you can use an online area converter to quickly and accurately perform this conversion, ensuring you get the correct measurement based on the regional parameters.

Bigha to Gaj conversion for loan against property

Conversions from one land measurement unit to another, like Bigha to Gaj, are useful when applying for a loan against property. They ensure accurate property valuation, documentation, and compliance with lender requirements, facilitating the loan application process and increasing the chances of approval. These conversions help in property assessment, negotiations, and transparency with the lender, particularly if the lender's preferred unit differs from the property's standard unit. Understanding these conversions is very essential for smooth cross-regional transactions and avoiding discrepancies in the property valuation.

Related conversion units

Bigha Into Acre

Bigha To Hectare

Bigha To Square Feet

Bigha To Katha

Bigha To Square Meter

Mm To Cm

Mm To Sq Meter

Cm To Feet


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Frequently asked questions

How many Gaj are there in 1 Bigha?

The number of Gaj in 1 Bigha varies depending on the region. For instance, in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, where Biswa Bigha is commonly used, one Bigha is approximately equal to 13,450 square feet, which translates to about 1,494.44 square yards (Gaj).

How many Bigha are there in Gaj?

The number of Bigha in one Gaj depends on the local measurement standards in your area. To find this conversion factor, divide the number of Gaj by the local Bigha measurement to determine the equivalent number of Bigha.

How many Gaj are there in 10 Bigha?

To convert 10 Bigha to Gaj, you will need to know the local measurement standards for a Bigha in your region. Then, multiply the number of Bigha by the local Bigha to Gaj conversion factor to find the equivalent in Gaj.

How many Gaj are there in 50 Bigha?

To convert 50 Bigha to Gaj, you will need to know the local measurement standards for a Bigha in your area. Once you have this information, simply multiply the number of Bigha by the local Bigha to Gaj conversion factor to find the equivalent in Gaj.

How many Gaj are there in 100 Bigha?

The number of Gaj in 100 Bigha depends on the local measurement standard for a Bigha in your region. To calculate this conversion, multiply 100 by the local Bigha to Gaj conversion factor to find the equivalent in Gaj.

What is Bigha and Gaj?

Bigha and Gaj are traditional land measurement units commonly used in India. Bigha is primarily used for measuring larger land areas, while Gaj is used for smaller land measurements, with one Gaj being equivalent to one square yard.

How to convert Bigha to Gaj?

To convert Bigha to Gaj, you need to know the local measurement standards for a Bigha in your area. Once you have this information, simply multiply the number of Bigha by the local Bigha to Gaj conversion factor to find the equivalent in Gaj.

Which are globally accepted land measurement units?

While Bigha and Gaj are widely used in India, they are not globally accepted units for land measurement. Commonly accepted land measurement units on a global scale include acres, square metres, and square feet. These units offer standardised measurements that are recognised in many countries, making them suitable for international transactions and comparisons.

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