How to convert centimeter to feet (cm to ft)
1 cm is equal to 0.0328 feet. Both these units of measurement are used to denote the height or length of an individual or a thing. Usually, the height of a building, person, bridge, or house is measured in feet. However, if they are measured in centimeters, you need to convert cm to feet.
This can easily be done using the formula feet = height in cm * 0.0328
For example, if someone is 170 cm in height to convert 170 cm in feet, you must multiply 170 by 0.0328084
So, 0.0328084 * 170 = 5.58 feet
Similarly, 200 cm is 6.56 feet
250 cm is 8.20 feet
300 cm is 9.84 feet
For quick results, you can opt for an online cm to feet conversion calculator.
What is Centimeter?
A centimeter denoted by cm is part of the International System of Units and is 1/100th of a meter. This makes it smaller than an inch, making it approximately the width of your fingernails. First used in 1801, the word centimeter comes from the Latin word centum. You can find centimeters on the scale, sharing it with inches on the other side.
Similar to meters, the length of things like car tires is measured in centimeters. It is also used to measure the amount of rainfall received. However, the area of any space with centimeters is measured in centimeter square or squared centimeter. Height in BMI is measured in centimeters.
Unit (cm) |
Unit Conversion |
1 cm |
0.01 meter |
1 cm |
10 millimeter |
1 cm |
0.1 decimeter |
1 cm |
0.00001 kilometer |
1 cm |
10000 micrometers |
1 cm |
0.393701 inch |
What is Feet?
A foot or feet is denoted by ft or by a prime symbol (‘). One foot is equal to 30.48 cm or 12 inches. Feet or foot was a common unit of measurement in the French, Greek, Chinese, Roman and English culture. However, then an exact foot varied depending on the change in the anatomy of people across cultures. Since it was the length of an actual human foot, this unit measurement is called the foot or feet. Currently, one foot is equal to 304.8 mm. However, before it became a standardized unit of measure, one foot varied from 250 mm to 335 mm.
Today, this measurement unit is used to measure short distances, a person’s height and the elevation of hills, mountains, or peaks.
Unit (ft) |
Unit Conversion |
1 foot |
12 inches |
1 foot |
304.8 mm |
1 foot |
0.3048 meter |
1 foot |
0.0003048 kilometer |
1 foot |
0.33 yards |
Steps to convert centimetre to feet (cm to feet)
Converting centimeters to feet is easy if you know that 1 centimeter is equivalent to 0.0328 feet. This is all the information you need to remember to convert centimeters to feet. The calculations, once you know this, are easy. To convert centimeters to feet, all you need to do is multiply the length in centimeters by 0.0328.
So, if there is a person whose height is 165 centimeters, you need to follow the steps given below to convert this into feet.
Height in centimeter = 165 cm
Height in feet = 165 * 0.0328 = 5.41 feet
Similarly, to convert 175 or 180 centimeters, you need to multiply 175 and 180 by 0.0328. In doing so, you will get 5.74 feet and 5.90 feet, respectively.
Centimeters (cm) |
Conversion |
1 Cm |
1 Cm converts to 0.0328084 Feet |
2 Cm |
2 Cm converts to 0.0656168 Feet |
3 Cm |
3 Cm converts to 0.0984252 Feet |
4 Cm |
4 Cm converts to 0.1312336 Feet |
5 Cm |
5 Cm converts to 0.164042 Feet |
6 Cm |
6 Cm converts to 0.1968504 Feet |
7 Cm |
7 Cm converts to 0.2296588 Feet |
8 Cm |
8 Cm converts to 0.2624672 Feet |
9 Cm |
9 Cm converts to 0.2952756 Feet |
10 Cm |
10 Cm converts to 0.328084 Feet |
Steps to convert feet to cm
One foot is equal to 30.48 centimeters, and this is what you need to know to convert feet to cm. Once you know this, you can easily convert feet to centimeters by simply multiplying feet by 30.48 or dividing the measurement in feet by 0.0328.
There are two ways to convert feet to centimeters.
Centimeter = feet * 30.48 or
Centimeter = feet/0.0328
So, if your height is 5.7 feet, your height in centimeter will be converted as follows:
Height in feet = 5.7
Height in cm = 5.7 * 30.45 = 173.736
Similarly, 6 feet is equal to 182.88 centimeters.
Below is the conversion table for feet to centimeters
Feet (ft) |
Centimeters (cm) |
1 |
30.48 |
2 |
60.96 |
3 |
91.44 |
4 |
121.92 |
5 |
152.4 |
6 |
182.88 |
7 |
213.36 |
8 |
243.84 |
9 |
274.32 |
10 |
304.8 |
Centimeters (cm) |
Feet (ft) |
1 Cm |
0.0328084 ft |
2 Cm |
0.0656168 ft |
3 Cm |
0.0984252 ft |
4 Cm |
0.1312336 ft |
5 Cm |
0.164042 ft |
6 Cm |
0.1968504 ft |
7 Cm |
0.2296588 ft |
8 Cm |
0.2624672 ft |
9 Cm |
0.2952756 ft |
10 Cm |
0.328084 ft |
11 Cm |
0.3608924 ft |
12 Cm |
0.3937008 ft |
13 Cm |
0.4265092 ft |
14 Cm |
0.4593176 ft |
15 Cm |
0.492126 ft |
Difference between centimeter and feet
Centimeters and feet are units of length measurement, but they originate from different systems of measurement. The centimeter (cm) is a metric unit, part of the International System of Units (SI), commonly used in many countries worldwide. One centimeter is equal to 0.01 meters.
On the other hand, the foot (ft) is an imperial and US customary unit primarily used in the United States and a few other countries. One foot is equal to 12 inches or 0.3048 meters.
In summary, while centimeters are part of the metric system, feet belong to the imperial system. The conversion factor between them is approximately 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters.
Instead of converting manually, you can use an online converter. This helps save time and provides an error-free answer in just a few simple steps.
- Select an online converter
- Select the measurement unit you want to convert from in the ‘From’ dropdown list
- Select the measurement unit you want to convert to in the ‘To’ dropdown list
- Enter the value in the ‘From’ field. The answer in the ‘To’ field automatically appears
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List of Related Units of Conversion
Frequently asked questions
1 Cm= 0.0328084 Feet
1 Centimeter is equal to 0.0328084 Feet. So multiply the number with 0.0328084, in order to convert it into feet.
To convert 5 ft 7 in to centimeters, first, convert feet to inches: 5 ft = 5 x 12 in = 60 in. Then add the remaining inches: 60 in + 7 in = 67 in. Finally, convert inches to cm: 67 in x 2.54 cm/in = 170.18 cm, approximately 170 cm.
172 cm is closer to 5 ft 8 in when converting. To convert 172 cm to feet and inches, start by dividing 172 by 2.54 to get inches: 172 cm ÷ 2.54 = 67.72 in. Then, convert inches to feet and inches: 67.72 in is approximately 5 ft 7.72 in, which is rounded to 5 ft 8 in.
To convert 5 ft 5 in to centimeters, first, convert feet to inches: 5 ft = 5 x 12 in = 60 in. Then add the inches: 60 in + 5 in = 65 in. Finally, convert inches to cm: 65 in x 2.54 cm/in = 165.1 cm, approximately 165 cm.
As a metric unit, one centimetre (cm) is equivalent to 0.0328084 feet. To convert a person's height from centimetres to feet, simply multiply the height by 0.0328084. For instance, if you are 170cm tall, you would multiply 170 by 0.0328084 to get a converted height of roughly 5.57 feet.
When converting height from centimetres to feet and inches, it is important to remember that one foot is approximately 30.48 cm, and one inch is approximately 2.54 cm. So, to convert 165 cm to feet and inches you would first divide 165 by 30.48 to convert the centimetres to feet, which provide 5.41 feet. To convert the decimal part to inches, multiply it by 12. You then obtain approximately 5.41 feet, which equate to approximately 5 feet and 5 inches.
Quick conversion from cm to feet without a calculator can be done using a general rule that 1 cm is equal to approximately 0.033 feet. If the calculation is manageable, simply multiply the height in cm by 0.033 to estimate the conversion in feet. For instance, for 150 cm, the estimated height in feet would be around 5 feet. But remember, this method provides an approximation, not an exact conversion.