Land measurement units can vary across regions, and it is crucial to understand conversions between them. One such conversion that often comes up is from acre to bigha. Whether you are a farmer, a real estate professional, or just curious about land measurements, knowing how to convert from acre to bigha can be valuable. Read on to understand the popular conversions, the conversion process, formulas, and more.
Popular acre to bigha conversions
Converting from acre to bigha is a common requirement, especially in regions where bigha is the traditional unit of land measurement. Here are some popular acre to bigha conversions:
- 1 acre to bigha:
Conversion: 1 acre = 1.613 bigha - 2 acres to bigha:
Conversion: 2 acres = 3.227 bigha - 5 acres to bigha:
Conversion: 5 acres = 8.067 bigha
- 10 acres to bigha:
Conversion: 10 acres = 16.133 bigha - 20 acres to bigha:
Conversion: 20 acres = 32.267 bigha - 50 acres to bigha:
Conversion: 50 acres = 80.667 bigha - 100 acres to bigha:
Conversion: 100 acres = 161.333 bigha
These conversions provide a quick reference for those dealing with land transactions or assessing the size of agricultural plots in areas where bigha is the standard unit of measurement.
About acre
The acre is a unit of area commonly used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and several other countries. Its usage is prevalent in measuring large plots of land, especially in agriculture and real estate.
Dimensions of acre
The acre is a unit of area commonly used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and various other countries. The dimensions of an acre are defined in terms of square feet and square yards. Here are the dimensions of an acre:
- Square feet:
1 acre is equal to 43,560 square feet. - Square yards:
1 acre is equivalent to 4,840 square yards.
These dimensions provide a practical understanding of the size of an acre, which is often used in real estate, land measurement, and agricultural contexts. It is important to note that while these dimensions are standardised, the acre is not a perfect square, so its length and width can vary while still maintaining the specified area of 43,560 square feet.
Acre to other conversion units
Unit of area |
Conversion unit |
1 Acre to Hectare |
0.404 hectare |
1 Acre to Bigha |
1.6 bigha |
1 Acre to Cent |
100.01 cent |
1 Acre to Katha |
32.0 katha |
1 Acre to Gunta |
40.0 gunta |
1 Acre to Square Meter |
4046.86 |
1 Acre to Decimal |
100.01 decimal |
1 Acre to Gaj |
4840.04 gaj |
1 Acre to Square Yard |
4840.0 sq.yd. |
1 Acre to Dismil |
100.01 dismil |
1 Acre to kanal |
8.0 kanal |
1 Acre to Square Km |
0.00405 |
1 Acre to Ground |
18.15 ground |
1 Acre to Ares |
40.47 ares |
1 Acre to Killa |
1.0 killa |
1 Acre to Marla |
160.0 marla |
1 Acre to Gajam |
4840.0 gajam |
1 Acre to Biswa |
32.27 biswa |
1 Acre to Ankanam |
605.0 ankanam |
1 Acre to Sq .Mi |
0.0015 sq.mi. |
1 Acre to Chatak |
968.0 chatak |
1 Acre to Murabba |
0.04 murabba |
1 Acre to Perche |
160.0 perch |
1 Acre to Karam |
1440.0 sq.karam |
1 Acre to Lessa |
640.0 lessa |
1 Acre to Biswa Kacha |
16.0 biswa kacha |
1 Acre to Dhur |
640.0 dhur |
1 Acre to Pura |
0.75 pura |
1 Acre to Nali |
20.17 nali |
About bigha
Bigha is a traditional unit of land measurement in many South Asian countries, including India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. However, it is important to note that the size of a bigha can vary from region to region.
Dimensions of bigha
The size of a bigha can differ based on regional variations. It is crucial to be aware of the specific conversion factors used in the area where the land is situated.
In conclusion, understanding the conversion from acre to bigha is essential, especially in areas where both units are commonly used. Being aware of the historical context and dimensions of these units provides a comprehensive understanding of land measurement across different regions.
Bigha to other conversion units
Unit of Area |
Conversion Unit |
1 Bigha |
0.62 acre |
1 Bigha |
0.25 hectare |
1 Bigha |
3025.03 gaj |
1 Bigha |
20.17 biswa |
1 Bigha |
20.0 katha |
1 Bigha |
25.0 gunta |
1 Bigha |
2529.29 |
1 Bigha |
3025.0 sq.yd. |
1 Bigha |
5.0 kanal |
1 Bigha |
62.51 dismil |
1 Bigha |
62.51 decimal |
1 Bigha |
12.6 nali |
1 Bigha |
0.62 killa |
1 Bigha |
11.34 ground |
1 Bigha |
900.0 sq.karam |
1 Bigha |
0.0025 |
1 Bigha |
0.025 murabba |
1 Bigha |
400.0 lessa |
1 Bigha |
62.51 cent |
1 Bigha |
10.0 biswa kacha |
1 Bigha |
100.0 marla |
1 Bigha |
605.0 chatak |
1 Bigha |
400.0 dhur |
1 Bigha |
0.47 pura |
1 Bigha |
25.29 ares |
1 Bigha |
378.12 ankanam |
1 Bigha |
3025.0 gajam |
1 Bigha |
100.0 perch |
Acre to Bigha conversions
Acre |
Bigha |
1 acre to Bigha |
1.61 bigha |
2 acre to Bigha |
3.23 bigha |
3 acre to Bigha |
4.84 bigha |
4 acre to Bigha |
6.45 bigha |
5 acre to Bigha |
8.07 bigha |
6 acre to Bigha |
9.68 bigha |
7 acre to Bigha |
11.3 bigha |
8 acre to Bigha |
12.9 bigha |
9 acre to Bigha |
14.5 bigha |
10 acre to Bigha |
16.1 bigha |
11 acre to Bigha |
17.7 bigha |
12 acre to Bigha |
19.4 bigha |
13 acre to Bigha |
21 bigha |
14 acre to Bigha |
22.6 bigha |
15 acre to Bigha |
24.2 bigha |
16 acre to Bigha |
25.8 bigha |
17 acre to Bigha |
27.4 bigha |
18 acre to Bigha |
29 bigha |
19 acre to Bigha |
30.7 bigha |
20 acre to Bigha |
32.3 bigha |
50 acre to Bigha |
80.667 Bigha |
100 acre to Bigha |
161.333 Bigha |
How to convert acre to bigha
Converting acres to bigha involves a straightforward mathematical calculation. The formula for converting acre to bigha is:
Bigha = (Acre × 1.613)
This formula is based on the standard conversion factor for acre to bigha. Here is an example to illustrate the conversion.
Acre to bigha conversion with example
Let's say you have 2 acres of land and want to convert it into bigha. Using the formula:
Bigha = (2×1.613) = 3.227
So, 2 acres would be approximately equal to 3.227 bigha.
Difference between acre and bigha
The below table provides a concise overview of the distinctions between acre and bigha, emphasising their geographical usage, standard sizes, conversion factors, international recognition, dimensions, and real estate applications.
Feature |
Acre |
Bigha |
Geographical usage |
Commonly used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western countries |
Traditionally used in South Asian countries such as India, Nepal, and Bangladesh |
Standard size |
1 acre is equal to 43,560 square feet or 4,840 square yards |
The size of a bigha varies by region; there is no universal standard, leading to regional variations |
Conversion factor |
1 acre is approximately equal to 3.0292 bigha |
The conversion factor may vary based on regional variations; it is not standardised globally |
Usage in real estate |
Commonly used for large plots of land, especially in agriculture and real estate transactions |
Prevalent in real estate transactions and land measurement in South Asian countries |