Mutual Fund Overlap

Mutual fund overlap happens when various mutual funds hold similar stocks, securities, or assets. Although diversifying across funds aims to spread risk, excessive overlap may unintentionally concentrate risk, reducing the intended benefits of diversification and risk moderation.
What is a Mutual Fund Portfolio Overlap?
4 mins read

Mutual fund overlap occurs when multiple funds hold the same investments, reducing diversification and increasing risk. This lack of diversification means that the risk isn't spread out effectively. Therefore, investors should avoid overlap to ensure their portfolio is properly diversified and risk is minimised. This article explores the concept of mutual fund overlap, why it occurs, and how to address it effectively.

What is mutual fund overlap?

Portfolio overlap occurs when multiple mutual funds within an investor's portfolio hold similar or identical securities. While diversification is a common strategy to mitigate risk, excessive overlap can inadvertently concentrate risk, undermining the intended benefits.

A high degree of overlap can limit the effectiveness of diversification, exposing the portfolio to heightened risks associated with specific sectors, industries, or individual securities. When multiple funds hold the same assets, the portfolio becomes more vulnerable to market volatility and adverse events, potentially impacting overall performance.

Overlapping holdings can concentrate risk, undermining the primary goal of diversification, which is to spread risk across different assets. By investing in overlapping funds, investors may inadvertently increase their exposure to specific securities or sectors, making their portfolios more vulnerable to market fluctuations. To mitigate the risks associated with mutual fund overlap, investors should carefully analyse the fund's investment objectives, strategies, and holdings. Additionally, considering funds with complementary investment styles can help optimise diversification.

Mutual fund portfolio overlap with an example

Diversification and portfolio overlap

Diversification is a fundamental strategy in investment aimed at reducing risk by spreading investments across various financial instruments, industries, and other categories. However, understanding and achieving true diversification can be challenging for many investors.

Consider this scenario: Imagine an investor who has allocated their money into two separate mutual funds. Although these funds are different, both invest heavily in the same company. This situation results in a portfolio overlap. If the company these funds invest in experiences a significant drop in value, the investor will face considerable losses because both funds will mirror each other’s decline.

Simply investing in multiple mutual funds does not guarantee diversification. True diversification requires a careful selection of investments that do not overlap. Investors need to ensure their portfolios are spread across different sectors, asset classes, and geographic regions to effectively mitigate risks.

Example of portfolio overlap

Fund Name

Investment in Company A

Investment in Company B

Investment in Company C

Mutual Fund 1




Mutual Fund 2




Combined Portfolio




In this example, both Mutual Fund 1 and Mutual Fund 2 have significant investments in Company A. As a result, the combined portfolio has 45% of its assets in Company A, illustrating a lack of diversification. If Company A's stock plummets, the investor’s overall portfolio would suffer greatly, highlighting the importance of avoiding such overlaps for effective risk management.

Types of portfolio overlap

Effective portfolio diversification extends beyond stock selection to encompass a broader range of factors, including sector, industry, and geographic exposure. It is crucial to recognize that market conditions can vary significantly across these entities. For instance, the consumer goods and automotive industries may exhibit contrasting performance trends within the same economic environment. Similarly, geopolitical factors can influence the relative performance of different countries and their respective economies.

Portfolio overlap can occur in various forms, extending beyond shared underlying securities. A common scenario involves mutual funds that invest in the same stocks. However, other types of overlap may be less apparent, such as sector overlap. For example, two large-cap funds might both have significant holdings in the banking sector due to the high market capitalization of banks.

Such overlap can introduce additional risk to a portfolio. If the banking sector experiences a downturn, both funds may suffer, potentially leading to amplified losses. Similarly, funds with similar investment styles, such as mid-cap growth and small-cap growth, may have overlapping holdings, as they target companies with high growth potential.

Identifying portfolio overlap in mutual funds

To effectively manage your mutual fund investments, it's essential to assess potential overlaps within your portfolio. Here are practical strategies to achieve this:

  1. Review fund factsheets: Each mutual fund provides a detailed factsheet outlining its investment strategy, holdings, and sector allocations. By comparing the factsheets of your various funds, you can identify potential similarities and overlaps in their investment approach.
  2. Utilise online tools: For a more streamlined approach, consider using specialised online tools designed to analyse portfolio overlap. These tools allow you to input your fund holdings and quickly generate a comprehensive analysis of potential redundancies.
  3. Analyse historical performance: Examining the historical performance of your funds can also provide insights into overlap. If two funds exhibit similar return patterns over different market conditions, it may indicate a shared investment style or overlapping holdings.
  4. Seek professional guidance: For a personalised evaluation of your portfolio and expert advice on managing overlap, consulting with a qualified investment advisor is highly recommended. They can provide tailored recommendations based on your specific financial goals and risk tolerance.
  5. Comprehensive fund analysis: Analyse the underlying holdings of various Mutual Funds to identify potential similarities or duplications. This involves scrutinising shared stocks, securities, or sectors across different funds.
  6. Quantitative assessment: Utilise quantitative tools to measure the extent of overlap between funds. This includes calculating correlation coefficients or determining the percentage of shared stocks. Additionally, assess the concentration of specific stocks or sectors within various funds.
  7. In-depth analysis of fund reports: Thoroughly examine the detailed reports provided by Mutual Funds, focusing on their investment portfolios. Identify the primary positions held by each fund to recognize commonalities and potential overlaps.
  8. Leveraging analytical tools: Employ specialised software or platforms designed for portfolio analysis and comparison. Utilise financial databases to gain deeper insights into fund holdings and potential overlaps.
  9. Expert consultation: Consult with financial advisors or experts to assist in analysing and identifying Portfolio Overlap. Seek advice on diversifying investments across different fund categories to mitigate the risks associated with overlap.

Strategies to reduce portfolio overlap

Here are key strategies to mitigate portfolio overlap in mutual fund investments:

1. Diversification across fund categories

  • Varied fund selection: Invest across diverse fund categories such as large-cap, mid-cap, and sector-specific funds.
  • Balanced allocation: Strategically allocate investments to balance risk and return across different fund types.

2. Analysis of fund holdings

  • Detailed holding review: Conduct a thorough review of each fund's underlying assets to identify overlapping stocks or sectors.
  • Eliminate redundancies: Remove duplicate holdings by reallocating investments to funds with distinct asset compositions.

3. Strategic portfolio rebalancing

  • Regular portfolio assessment: Periodically review the portfolio's composition to maintain diversification.
  • Optimised asset allocation: Adjust investments among funds to ensure a well-diversified portfolio.

4. Emphasis on unique investment strategies

  • Distinct fund approaches: Choose funds employing unique investment strategies to minimize overlap.
  • Avoid replicated holdings: Opt for funds that do not duplicate assets in other funds within the portfolio.

5. Utilisation of analytical tools

  • Portfolio analysis software: Employ specialized tools to effectively analyse and compare fund holdings.
  • Quantify overlap: Apply quantitative metrics to measure the extent of overlap among different funds.

By implementing these strategies, investors can effectively manage and reduce portfolio overlap, leading to a more diversified mutual fund portfolio and mitigating concentration risks. Adjusting allocation and fund selection based on these strategies can enhance portfolio resilience and performance.

Benefits of reducing portfolio overlap

Reducing portfolio overlap offers several advantages for investors:

  • Minimised concentration risk: A diversified portfolio with reduced overlap spreads investments across various asset classes, sectors, and industries, mitigating the risk of overexposure to specific stocks or market segments.
  • Improved risk-adjusted returns: A diversified portfolio can achieve a more balanced risk-return profile, leading to steadier growth and potentially better performance during market volatility.
  • Enhanced portfolio flexibility: Lowering overlap provides investors with greater control over their portfolio composition, enabling strategic adjustments in asset allocation to align with changing market conditions or personal financial goals.
  • Optimised resource allocation: A less overlapped portfolio efficiently allocates investment resources by avoiding duplication and streamlining investment efforts. This can potentially reduce transaction costs and enhance the efficiency of the investment process.
  • Long-term stability: A well-diversified portfolio, achieved by minimising overlap, can contribute to sustained growth and stability over the long term, providing a foundation for a resilient portfolio capable of navigating market fluctuations and uncertainties.
  • Synergy in portfolio management: Reduced overlap facilitates a more cohesive portfolio strategy by allowing for better coordination and synergy among various fund holdings.
  • Enhanced clarity and transparency: A less overlapped portfolio offers greater clarity and transparency in understanding investments, simplifying tracking, monitoring, and comprehension of the portfolio's composition and associated risks.

What are the causes of mutual fund overlap?

While there might be many different reasons for portfolio overlap to occur, here are a few major reasons listed:

  • Benchmark Tracking: Many mutual funds aim to mimic a specific market index or benchmark. As a result, they may invest in the same stocks as those present in the benchmark.
  • Sectoral Focus: Funds focusing on specific sectors or industries are likely to have overlapping holdings. For instance, technology sector funds may invest in similar tech companies.
  • AMC or Fund Manager’s investment style or choices: Investment decisions made by fund managers can lead to overlap if they favour similar stocks or sectors.
  • Following the hot trends: Imagine everyone's buzzing about green energy companies. This excitement can lead many mutual funds to invest in these same stocks. As a result, even if you choose different funds, they might hold similar assets, reducing the diversification benefit.
  • Similar investment styles: Fund managers may be influenced by the same market trends or data, leading them to make similar investment choices. Additionally, they might follow popular investment strategies, causing overlap across different funds.

Frequently asked questions

How much overlap is good in mutual fund?

A slight overlap across funds may not significantly affect your overall portfolio returns. However, if the overlap is high, then your portfolio may be exposed to company-specific risks.

How does overlap affect investment risk?

Concentrated risk is a consequence of overlap. Poor performance of shared holdings can adversely affect multiple funds, amplifying the potential for losses.

How do you calculate overlap funds?

To calculate overlap between mutual funds, investors can compare the holdings of different funds and look for common stocks, sectors, or industries. Quantitative measures like correlation coefficients can also be used.

How do you prevent overlapping in mutual funds?

To prevent overlapping in mutual funds, investors should diversify their investments across different asset classes, sectors, and industries. Regularly reviewing and rebalancing the portfolio can also help minimise overlap.

How much fund overlap is bad?

There is no specific threshold for what constitutes ‘bad’ fund overlap, as it depends on individual investment goals and risk tolerance. However, excessive overlap, where a significant portion of the portfolio is duplicated across funds, should be avoided.

What is overlap in mutual funds?

Overlap in mutual funds occurs when multiple funds hold significant positions in the same securities, reducing diversification and increasing risk if those securities decline in value.

How much overlap is good in mutual fund?

A slight overlap across funds may not significantly affect your overall portfolio returns. However, if the overlap is high, then your portfolio may be exposed to company-specific risks.

How do you find overlapping stocks in mutual funds?

You can identify overlapping stocks by comparing the holdings of different mutual funds. Many financial websites also offer portfolio analysis tools to help with this.

Why is portfolio overlap concerning?

Excessive mutual fund overlap can heighten risk, curtail the advantages of diversification, and result in diminished returns. Effectively managing overlap is essential for maintaining a balanced portfolio.

How does overlap affect investment risk?

Concentrated risk is a consequence of overlap. Poor performance of shared holdings can adversely affect multiple funds, amplifying the potential for losses.

Is there a mutual fund overlap tool?

There are various online tools and resources available that can help investors analyse and identify overlap between mutual fund holdings for better portfolio management.

How do you calculate overlap funds?

To calculate overlap between mutual funds, investors can compare the holdings of different funds and look for common stocks, sectors, or industries. Quantitative measures like correlation coefficients can also be used.

How do you prevent overlapping in mutual funds?

To prevent overlapping in mutual funds, investors should diversify their investments across different asset classes, sectors, and industries. Regularly reviewing and rebalancing the portfolio can also help minimise overlap.

Is portfolio overlap bad?

While some level of overlap is inevitable, excessive portfolio overlap can increase concentration risk and limit diversification. It may lead to heightened sensitivity to specific market movements or events.

How much fund overlap is bad?

There is no specific threshold for what constitutes ‘bad’ fund overlap, as it depends on individual investment goals and risk tolerance. However, excessive overlap, where a significant portion of the portfolio is duplicated across funds, should be avoided.

What is overlap in mutual funds?

Overlap in mutual funds occurs when multiple funds hold significant positions in the same securities, reducing diversification and increasing risk if those securities decline in value.

How much overlap is acceptable?

An overlap of up to 10-15% is generally considered acceptable, as it allows for some common holdings without significantly increasing risk.

What is the mutual fund portfolio overlap tool?

The mutual fund portfolio overlap tool is an online utility that identifies and analyses overlapping investments across different mutual funds in a portfolio.

How do I use the mutual fund portfolio overlap tool?

To use the mutual fund portfolio overlap tool, input the names or ticker symbols of the mutual funds in your portfolio. The tool will then display the overlapping securities and their respective percentages.

What does a high degree of overlap indicate?

A high degree of overlap indicates that multiple mutual funds hold substantial amounts of the same securities, which may reduce the benefits of diversification and increase overall portfolio risk.

Is some degree of overlap acceptable?

Yes, some degree of overlap is acceptable as it can be difficult to achieve complete diversification. A small overlap does not necessarily pose significant risk.

How can mutual fund overlap information help in portfolio management?

Mutual fund overlap information helps investors identify areas of redundancy in their portfolios, enabling them to make adjustments for better diversification and risk management.

Should overlap be the only factor in fund selection?

No, overlap should not be the only factor in fund selection. Investors should also consider other factors such as fund performance, expense ratios, and investment strategy.

What other performance metrics should I look at besides overlap?

Besides overlap, investors should look at metrics like historical returns, volatility, expense ratios, and the fund manager’s track record.

How does the tool help in assessing risk?

The tool helps in assessing risk by identifying concentrated exposures within a portfolio, allowing investors to diversify their investments and reduce potential losses from individual securities.

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