How to save tax on Rs. 9 lakhs salary

If your net taxable income is Rs. 9 lakhs under the new tax regime for the assessment year 2024-25, the tax you would owe can be calculated using the applicable slab rates. For income between Rs. 7.5 lakhs and Rs. 9 lakhs, the tax rate is 10%
Which tax regime is better for Rs. 9 lakhs
3 min

Every Indian citizen in the tax bracket is liable to pay taxes on the earnings in a financial year. The same goes for salaried employees who receive a specific amount every month. As a salaried employee, you must pay taxes on the salary you earn every year. However, paying taxes reduces the overall savings, negatively affecting your long-term financial plan. Hence, it is important that you know how you can save taxes to ensure increased savings.

This blog will help you understand how to save tax for a salary above Rs. 9 lakh to avoid paying additional taxes.

Budget 2024: New income tax slabs offer significant savings for incomes of Rs. 9 lakh or more

The Union Budget 2024, released on July 23, 2024, introduced several changes to the income tax slabs under the new tax regime. These changes are designed to provide more benefits to people with taxable incomes up to Rs. 10 lakh. However, note that there is no change in the basic exemption limit for the old and new tax regimes.

Under the new tax regime, you don't have to pay any tax if your taxable income is up to Rs. 7 lakh. The new tax slabs for different income ranges are as follows:

  • Income up to Rs. 3,00,000: No tax
  • Income from Rs. 3,00,001 to Rs. 7,00,000: 5% tax
  • Income from Rs. 7,00,001 to Rs. 10,00,000: 10% tax
  • Income from Rs. 10,00,001 to Rs. 12,00,000: 15% tax
  • Income from Rs. 12,00,001 to Rs. 15,00,000: 20% tax
  • Income above Rs. 15,00,001: 30% tax

These new slabs are intended to provide tax relief primarily to the lower-middle class.

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Proposed income tax slabs for the new tax regime

Current Tax Slabs

Current Tax Rates

Proposed Tax Slabs

Proposed Tax Rates


Up to Rs. 3,00,000


Upto Rs. 3,00,000


No Change

Rs. 3,00,000- Rs. 6,00,000


Rs. 3,00,000- Rs. 7,00,000


Slab expanded by Rs. 1,00,000

Rs. 6,00,000- Rs. 9,00,000


Rs. 7,00,000- Rs. 10,00,000


Slab expanded by Rs. 1,00,000

Rs. 9,00,000- Rs. 12,00,000


Rs. 10,00,000- Rs. 12,00,000



Rs. 12,00,000- Rs. 15,00,000


Rs. 12,00,000- Rs. 15,00,000


No Change

Above Rs. 15,00,000


Above Rs. 15,00,000


No Change


Tax slabs under old vs. new tax regime - FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25

Tax Slab for FY 2023-24

Tax Rate

Tax Slab for FY 2024-25

Tax Rate

Upto Rs. 3 lakh


Upto Rs. 3 lakh


Rs. 3 lakh - Rs. 6 lakh


Rs. 3 lakh - Rs. 7 lakh


Rs. 6 lakh - Rs. 9 lakh


Rs. 7 lakh - Rs. 10 lakh


Rs. 9 lakh - Rs. 12 lakh


Rs. 10 lakh - Rs. 12 lakh


Rs. 12 lakh - Rs. 15 lakh


Rs. 12 lakh - Rs. 15 lakh


More than 15 lakh


More than 15 lakh


Also read: 
Hindu Undivided Family in the Income Tax Act 1961

Tax saving above 9 lakh salary under the new regime

The new regime does not offer a host of deductions and was created for individuals who do not want to invest in numerous investment instruments for tax benefits. However, there are still some deductions you can use to save tax on a Rs. 9 lakh salary:

Standard deduction Basic deduction for salaried individuals
Section 80CCD(2) Employer contribution to NPS
Section 80CCH Investments made in Agniveer corpus
Section 57(iia) Family pension received
Section 10(10C) Voluntary retirement
Section 10(10) Gratuity
Section 10(10AA) Leave encashment
Section 24 Interest on a home loan on the let-out property

Furthermore, some other deductions under the new regime are as follows:

  • Transport allowance in case you are a specially-abled person.
  • Conveyance allowance to cover the expenses incurred for travelling as part of the employment.

Also read: What is the meaning of inheritance tax

Tax saving above 9 lakh salary under the old regime tax

The old tax regime contains numerous deductions and exemptions you can use to lower your tax liability significantly on a Rs. 9 lakh salary. Here are the deductions you can utilise:

Section 80D - health insurance premium

Rs. 25,000 for self, spouse, and dependent children

Rs. 50,000 if above 60 years of age

Parents: Rs. 25,000 and Rs. 50,000 if above 60 years of age.

Section 80 E-education loan

Deduction for 8 years from the year of repayment of education loan taken for self, spouse, dependent children, or for a student for whom the individual is a legal guardian.

Section 80G - donating to charity

50% of 100% of the donated amount for notified institutions.

Section 80C investing in tax saving instruments

Tax benefits up to Rs. 1.5 lakh. Some investing options include:
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF)
  • Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF)
  • Equity Linked Saving Scheme funds (ELSS)
  • Home loan repayment and Stamp duty
  • Sukanya Smriddhi Yojana (SSY)
  • National Savings Certificate (NSC)
  • Fixed Deposit for 5 years and more

Section 80DD- costs to treat disabled dependents

If you bear the medical cost for disabled dependants, you are eligible for tax relief:
  • 40% disability: Rs. 75,000
  • 80% or severe disability: Rs. 1.25 lakh

Home loan payments

Principal amount: Up to Rs. 1.5 lakh u/s 80C

Interest amount: Up to Rs. 2 lakh paid under section 24b

The maturity amount of a Life Insurance Policy

You can take a tax benefit on the maturity proceeds if the sum assured is less than:
  • 20% for policies issued before 1 April 2012
  • 10% for policies issued after 1 April 2012
  • 15% for policies issued after 1 April 2013 for a person with a disability.


How to save tax for salary above 9 lakh?

Here is how to save tax for salary above Rs. 9 lakh:

1. Choose the right regime

As there are two tax regimes, it is important that you choose between the two. Analyse both tax regimes and decide between the old tax regime (with deductions and exemptions) and the new tax regime (with lower tax rates but no deductions). Evaluate which regime offers the lowest tax liability based on your eligible deductions and exemptions. You can use online tax calculators to compare the tax liability of both tax regimes and choose the most suitable one.

2. Claim standard deduction

When filing taxes, ensure that you utilise the standard deduction of Rs. 50,000. The standard deduction is available in both tax regimes, so you do not have to compare the two based on this deduction. Utilising the standard deduction will effectively lower your taxable income by Rs. 50,000 under the old regime and by Rs. 75,000 under the new regime (up from the previous limit of Rs. 50,000 in Union Budget 2024).

3. Claim deduction for interest paid against home loan

If you have a home loan, you can claim a deduction for the interest you pay on it while filing taxes. Under section 80C, you can claim a deduction on the principal amount up to Rs. 1.5 lakh, while you can claim a deduction on the interest amount up to Rs. 2 lakh under section 24b.

4. Claim deduction under section 80C of the Income Tax Act

Section 80C provides numerous deductions, and you can fully utilise them to lower your taxable income by Rs. 1.5 lakh. Some investments under section 80C are:

  • Public Provident Fund (PPF
  • Employee Provident Fund (EPF)
  • Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS)
  • National Savings Certificate (NSC)
  • Life Insurance Premiums
  • Principal repayment of home loan
  • Tuition fees for children

5. Claim rebate under section 87A

Rebate under Section 87A is available in both tax regimes. In the old regime, if your taxable income is up to Rs. 5 lakh, you can claim a maximum rebate of Rs. 12,500. In the new regime, for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25), if your taxable income is up to Rs. 7 lakh, you can claim a maximum rebate of Rs. 25,000.

Additional deductions under the old regime:

You can maximise your tax savings by utilising additional deductions under the old regime, such as:

  • Section 80D: Health insurance premiums (Rs. 25,000 for self, spouse, and children; an additional Rs. 25,000 for parents below 60 years, Rs. 50,000 if they are above 60).
  • Section 80E: Interest on education loan.
  • Section 80G: Donations to specified charitable institutions.
  • Section 80CCD(1B): Additional contribution to NPS (Rs. 50,000)

Which regime is better for 9 lakh LPA to save tax?

Here is a detailed table for you to understand which regime is better for Rs. 9 lakh LPA:

Particulars Old tax regime (in Rs.) New tax regime (In Rs.)
Gross salary 9,00,000 9,00,000
Less: Standard deduction 50,000 75,000
Net salary after standard deduction 8,50,000 8,25,000
Section 80C 1,50,000 Not applicable
Section 80D 25,000 Not applicable
Section 24(b) 2,00,000 Not applicable
Section 80CCD(1B) 50,000 Not applicable
Total deductions 4,00,000 0
Net taxable income 4,25,000 8,25,000

As you can see, with the full utilisation of various deductions in the old regime, you can effectively bring down your total tax liability to zero. On the other hand, you will end up paying  Rs. 33,800 as tax in the new regime after considering the proposed changes in the Union Budget 2024.

Also read: What is Direct Tax Code 2025

How to pay no income tax on Rs. 9 lakh salary?

If you do not want to pay income tax on your income, you can choose the old income tax regime. Furthermore, you need to utilise various deductions and exemptions available under the old tax regime.

Start by claiming the standard deduction of Rs. 50,000, which reduces your taxable income to Rs. 8.5 lakh. Next, maximise your deductions under section 80C by investing up to Rs. 1.5 lakh in instruments such as PPF, ELSS, or paying for life insurance premiums and children's tuition fees. This brings your taxable income down to Rs. 7 lakh. If you have a home loan, claim the interest deduction under section 24(b) up to Rs. 2 lakh, further reducing your taxable income to Rs. 5 lakh.

Additionally, health insurance premiums can be claimed under section 80D, which allows a deduction of Rs. 25,000 for self, spouse, and children. Contribute to the National Pension System (NPS) under section 80CCD(1B) for an additional deduction of Rs. 50,000. These steps can reduce your taxable income below Rs. 5 lakh, making you eligible for the section 87A rebate and eliminating any tax liability.

It is worth mentioning that if you choose the new regime, you will be required to pay Rs. 32,500 as income tax on Rs. 9 lakh salary after considering all the proposed changes stipulated in the Union Budget 2024.

Also read: Income tax return extended date 2024


If you are earning Rs. 9 lakh, there are numerous ways you can save tax and even bring your tax liability to zero. However, it is important that you do effective tax planning and ensure that you choose an ideal tax regime and make use of all the deductions and exemptions available. Now that you know how to save tax for salary above Rs. 9 lakh, you can increase your savings and invest them to build wealth.

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Frequently asked questions

How much tax should I pay for 9 lakh?
There is not a specific amount of tax you must pay for Rs. 9 lakh. The tax amount you end up paying depends on your chosen tax regime and the various deductions and exemptions you utilise. Hence, it is important that you calculate your tax liability beforehand.
How to avoid tax on 9 lakh salary?
You can avoid paying tax on a Rs. 9 lakh salary by choosing the old tax regime and using all the deductions to bring down your total taxable income to Rs. 5 lakh. That way, you will be eligible for the section 87A rebate, which will allow you to pay zero tax.
Which tax regime is better for 9 lakh CTC?
The old tax regime is better for Rs. 9 lakh CTC as it includes numerous deductions, which can help you bring your tax liability down to zero. The new tax regime contains limited tax deductions, resulting in higher tax liability.
Which tax regime is better for 9.5 lakh salary?
The new tax regime has lower tax rates, which can allow you to pay a lower tax if you do not want to utilise any deductions and exemptions. However, the old tax regime can be beneficial if you can use the deductions, significantly lowering your tax liability.
What are the new income tax slabs proposed in Budget 2024?

The Budget 2024 introduced new income tax slabs under the new tax regime. These changes specifically aim to provide relief to the lower middle class. The new income tax slabs are as follows:

  • Rs. 0 - Rs. 3,00,000: 0%
  • Rs. 3,00,001 - Rs. 7,00,000: 5%
  • Rs. 7,00,001 - Rs. 10,00,000: 10%
  • Rs. 10,00,001 - Rs. 12,00,000: 15%
  • Rs. 12,00,001 - Rs. 15,00,000: 20%
  • Above Rs.15,00,001: 30%

It must be noted that the basic exemption limit remains the same under both old and new tax regimes, set at Rs. 2,50,000 and Rs. 3,00,000, respectively.

What are the existing income tax slabs under the new tax regime?

Before the release of Union Budget 2024, the following income tax slabs were applicable under the new tax regime:

  • Rs. 0 - Rs. 3,00,000: 0%
  • Rs. 3,00,001 - Rs. 6,00,000: 5%
  • Rs. 6,00,001 - Rs. 9,00,000: 10%
  • Rs. 9,00,001 - Rs. 12,00,000: 15%
  • Rs. 12,00,001 - Rs. 15,00,000: 20%
  • Above Rs. 15,00,001: 30%

It is worth mentioning that no changes have been made to the income tax slabs under the old tax regime.

How much tax can I save if my income is Rs. 7.75 lakh under the new tax regime?

Under the new regime, you will have to pay zero tax on a salary income of Rs. 7,75,000. You can claim a standard deduction of Rs. 75,000 (up from the previous limit of Rs. 50,000 in the Union Budget 2024), reducing your taxable income to Rs. 7,00,000. Now, you are eligible to claim a tax rebate of up to Rs. 25,000 under Section 87A. This way, your tax liability will be zero.

How much tax can I save if my income is Rs. 15 lakh under the new tax regime?

Under the new tax regime, you can claim several tax exemptions and deductions, such as a standard deduction of Rs. 75,000 (up from Rs. 50,000), transport allowances (if you’re a specially-abled person), conveyance allowance, daily allowance, interest on home loan for let-out property (Section 24), gifts up to Rs. 50,000, and more. Using them, you can reduce your taxable income and minimise your income tax liability.

How much tax can I save if my income is Rs. 25 lakh or Rs. 30 lakh under the new tax regime?

Under the new regime, you can claim several deductions and exemptions on an income of Rs. 25 lakh or 30 lakh. Some common examples include a standard deduction of Rs. 75,000 (up from Rs. 50,000), transport allowances (if you’re a specially-abled person), conveyance allowance, daily allowance, and gifts up to Rs. 50,000. By claiming these benefits, you can reduce your taxable income and, ultimately, minimise your income tax liability.

Now, assuming you have eligible deductions of Rs. 1,50,000 and Rs. 25,000 under sections 80C and 80D, respectively, on an Rs. 25 lakh income, your income tax liability would be Rs. 4,52,400. However, under the new regime, your tax liability would be Rs. 4,34,200, giving you tax savings of Rs. 18,200.

Similarly, if your income is Rs. 30,00,000, under the old regime, you will pay a tax of Rs. 6,08,400. Under the new regime, your tax liability would be Rs. 5,90,200. Thus, you can again save Rs. 18,200 by opting for the new regime.

How much tax can I save if my income is Rs. 50 lakh or Rs. 1 crore under the new tax regime?

Under the new regime, you can claim several deductions and exemptions on an income of Rs. 50 lakh or Rs. 1 crore. Common examples include the standard deduction of Rs. 75,000, transport allowances (for specially-abled individuals), conveyance allowance, daily allowance, and gifts up to Rs. 50,000.

Assuming you have eligible deductions of Rs. 1,50,000 under Section 80C and Rs. 25,000 under Section 80D on an income of Rs. 50 lakh, your income tax liability under the old regime would be Rs. 12,32,400. However, under the new regime, your tax liability would be Rs. 12,14,200, resulting in tax savings of Rs. 18,200.

Similarly, for an income of Rs. 1 crore, you would pay Rs. 30,71,640 in taxes under the old regime. Under the new regime, your tax liability would be Rs. 30,51,620, giving you savings of Rs. 18,200.

How can I save tax on a Rs. 9 lakh salary?

  • Claim the standard deduction of Rs. 50,000.
  • Utilise Section 24 for home loan interest deductions.
  • Invest in tax-saving options under Section 80C (up to Rs. 1.5 lakh).
  • Claim health insurance premiums under Section 80D.

If you opt for the old tax regime and want to save tax on a Rs. 9 lakh salary, you can start by claiming the standard deduction of Rs. 50,000 (be aware that this limit is Rs. 75,000 under the new regime after changes proposed in the Union Budget 2024). You can deduct the interest paid under Section 24 if you have a home loan.

Additionally, invest in tax-saving options like PPF, ELSS, or NSC under Section 80C, up to Rs. 1.5 lakh. Lastly, claim deductions for health insurance premiums under Section 80D. These steps will help reduce your taxable income and lower your overall tax liability.

What is the standard deduction for salaried individuals in FY 2023-24?

The standard deduction amount varies based on the selected tax regime. In the old regime, you can claim up to Rs. 50,000 as a standard deduction. In the new regime, as updated in the Union Budget 2024, you can claim Rs. 75,000 (an increase from the previous Rs. 50,000).

What is the rebate under Section 87A?

Under Section 87A, the rebate for individuals varies between the old and new tax regimes. In the old regime, those with a taxable income of up to Rs. 5 lakh can claim a maximum rebate of Rs. 12,500. Whereas, in the new regime [applicable for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25)], a maximum rebate of Rs. 25,000 can be claimed by individuals with taxable income up to Rs. 7 lakh.

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