ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) and FOFs (Funds of Funds) are popular choices among investors when it comes to investing. Both offer diversification to your investment to strike a balance between risk and return. However, their approach to diversification is different from one another. In this ETF vs FOF comparison, we will learn about the differences and similarities between them. We will start learning about the difference between ETF and FOF by exploring what they are. Let us start knowing more.
What are ETFs?
ETFs are very similar to mutual funds. This financial instrument invests in baskets of diversified securities and most importantly you can trade them on the exchange. This makes exchange-traded funds offer you with more liquidity. As ETFs are passively managed, you can buy them at a more affordable price than mutual funds.
What are FOFs?
The full form of FOF is Fund of Funds. They are financial instruments that invest in multiple mutual fund schemes. This helps them create a diversified portfolio for their investors in a customised way per risk appetite and investment goals. FOFs are managed by the fund managers actively. This makes these financial instruments costlier than ETFs.
Differences Between ETF And FOF
There are 4 major differences between ETF and FOF. They are:
1. Trading
ETFs or Exchange-traded funds are traded on exchanges. This offers investors with high liquidity. - FOF
FOFs or Fund of Funds are less liquid than ETFs. If you sell FOF, it will be valued at the end of that trading day.
2. Management
An ETF tracks an index. This means it is managed passively. - FOF
FOF is managed by a fund manager actively. This means the choice of mutual fund schemes is altered by the fund manager to meet the goals and risk-taking potential of investors. If the return of any mutual fund falls below the benchmark index, the fund manager may replace it with a better-performing one.
3. Investment
ETFs invest in baskets of diversified securities to provide you with portfolio diversification in accordance with your financial goals and risk profile. - FOF
FOFs invest in different types of mutual funds, thereby offering you portfolio diversification across multiple mutual funds.
4. Cost
The costs associated with ETFs are low. This is mainly because they are managed passively. As ETFs are not managed by the fund managers actively, their management cost is not added. This lowers the cost of ETFs. - FOF
As these funds require active management of a portfolio of investments, the associated costs increase too.
ETF vs FOF - A Tabular Comparison
Here's a breakdown of the table content, along with some additional information that might help you choose between ETFs and FOFs:
Parameter |
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) |
Fund of Funds (FOFs) |
Basic Structure |
Basket of stocks, bonds, or other securities that track an underlying index. |
Basket of diversified mutual funds. FOFs aim to cater to investors' risk tolerance and investment goals. |
Price |
Traded at market prices throughout the day, similar to stocks. ETFs with high trading volume tend to have market prices closer to their Net Asset Value (NAV). |
Traded at their Net Asset Value (NAV) which is calculated at the end of each trading day. |
Liquidity |
High liquidity. ETFs can be bought and sold throughout the trading day like stocks. |
Lower liquidity. FOFs cannot be traded actively throughout the day like ETFs. |
Costs |
Generally cheaper than mutual funds due to passive management and lower expense ratios (typically below 0.5%). |
More expensive than ETFs due to active management. Investors may incur the expense ratio of the FOF itself, and the fees of the underlying mutual funds. |
Taxes |
Taxation on ETFs depends on the type of ETF (equity, gold, etc.). |
FOFs are taxed like debt funds, regardless of the underlying mutual funds in the portfolio (equity or debt). |
Additional considerations for ETFs vs FOFs
- Management: ETFs are passively managed, meaning they aim to track an underlying index. FOFs are actively managed by fund managers who try to outperform the market by selecting underlying mutual funds.
- Diversification: Both ETFs and FOFs can provide diversification, but FOFs can offer greater diversification due to the underlying layer of mutual funds.
- Investment Goals: ETFs are a good option for investors who want low-cost, diversified exposure to a particular asset class or market. FOFs can be a good option for investors who want a professionally managed portfolio with diversification or those seeking specific asset allocation targets.
Other mutual fund related topics you might find interesting |
Which one should you choose between ETFs vs FOFs?
When you have to choose between ETF and FOF, your choice depends on three major factors:
- Investment goals
- Risk tolerance
- Liquidity preference or diversification
Based on a mix of these factors, you will have to decide where you want to invest. You may also choose to invest in both ETFs and FOFs at the same time to further diversify your portfolio and consequently get the best of both worlds.
If you are a newbie in investing, you may visit the Bajaj Finserv Mutual Fund Platform, where 1000+ schemes are listed. You can compare mutual funds easily on the platform and therefore decide where to invest. You may use both the SIP calculator and the lumpsum calculator to calculate the return on your investment. This will help you choose between lumpsum investment and SIP investment.
Are you still waiting? Start investing to get the optimum result now.