The H1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows U.S. companies to employ foreign workers in speciality occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise. Technology companies often use this visa to hire workers from abroad for occupations that require technical or theoretical expertise in specialised fields such as IT, finance, accounting, architecture, engineering, mathematics, science, medicine, etc. This article guides you through a series of interview questions along with relevant answers to crack the H1B visa interview.
Understand the difference between immigrant and non-immigrant visa.
General H1B visa questions and answers for the interview
Here is a collection of general H1B visa interview questions along with detailed answers that applicants might face during their visa stamping or application process:
Question: What is your specific job role in the U.S.?
Answer: The applicant should provide a detailed description of their job role, responsibilities, and how their background and skills make them suitable for the position. Mentioning the relevance of their role to the company's objectives is also helpful.
Question: Who is your U.S. employer and what do they do?
Answer: Explain who your employer is, the industry they operate in, and their major products or services. This shows your knowledge and seriousness about the position.
Question: How did you find this job?
Answer: Describe how you came across the job opportunity (e.g., through a job portal, company website, referral, etc.). This can sometimes give insight into your connection with the company.
Question: What is your educational background?
Answer: Provide details about your academic qualifications, including your degree, the institution you attended, and any relevant coursework or projects related to the job you are applying for.
Question: How much will you be paid?
Answer: State your salary, which should comply with the prevailing wage as determined by the Department of Labour for your position and location. This assures the interviewer that the employer is compliant with U.S. wage regulations.
Question: Do you plan on studying further?
Answer: Be honest about your future educational plans. If you are focused solely on work, make that clear.
Question: Have you applied for an H1B visa before?
Answer: If yes, provide details about when and what the outcome was. If no, simply answer no.
Question: What are your plans after your H1B visa expires?
Answer: Discuss your intentions to either return to your home country or apply for an extension or change in status based on your employment at that time.
Question: How does your role fit into the overall company structure?
Answer: Describe how your position contributes to the company’s goals and your direct reports, if any.
Question: Why do you want to work in the U.S.?
Answer: Mention professional growth opportunities, exposure to new technologies and methodologies, and any personal reasons that are relevant to your career development.
What are the most commonly asked questions for the H1B visa?
Following are the common questions asked during H1B visa interview:
Questions: What is the purpose of your visit to the U.S.?
Answer: Be clear that the purpose is to work in a special occupation for which you have been hired by your U.S. employer.
Questions: Can you show me your Employment Offer Letter?
Answer: Always have your employment offer letter ready to show at the interview, as it outlines your job description, salary, and the terms of employment.
Questions: Who will you report to and where will you work?
Answer: Provide the name of your manager and the work location. If you will be working at a client site, mention this as well.
Questions: How long do you intend to stay in the U.S.?
Answer: Align this with the duration of the H1B visa, stating that you plan to stay for the duration for which you are authorised to work.
Questions: What are your long-term career plans?
Answer: Discuss your career trajectory as it relates to your field and how this position in the U.S. helps you achieve your professional goals.
Questions: Have you been to the U.S. before?
Answer: If yes, detail the purpose, duration, and nature of your previous visits. If no, just state no.
Questions: What will you do if your H1B visa is rejected?
Answer: Indicate that you will return to your home country and continue working or seeking employment there.
Questions: How does this job relate to your previous work experience?
Answer: Draw clear connections between your past experiences and your new job role, highlighting how your background prepares you for this position.
Questions: What is your strategy to handle cultural and professional differences in the U.S.?
Answer: Discuss your adaptability, openness to learn, and respect for cultural differences which will aid in your professional integration.
Questions: Do you have any family or friends in the U.S.?
Answer: Be honest about your connections in the U.S. as it relates to your support system but clarify that your primary reason for being in the U.S. is to work.