Your education loan will most likely cover your tuition fee, but not the cost of visa, insurance, and travel tickets. These expenses are significant and may cause a dip in your savings if they are unaccounted for.
Additional courses, vocational training, coaching, or elective subjects increase the cost of education. While the basic tuition fee is taken care of with an education loan, these additional costs are to be borne by you. A top-up on your existing home loan helps a lot in this case.
Reoccurring costs like rent expenses, groceries and food bills, transportation costs, clothing, phone bills, internet bills, and more, all add up. These expenses can significantly pile up and make a dent in your savings.
Frequently asked questions
When you transfer an existing home loan from one lender to another, you are doing a home loan balance transfer. With Bajaj Finserv, this facility allows you to get low interest rates starting at 9.30%* p.a., more convenient terms, and a sizeable top-up loan of up to Rs. 1 crore* or higher for other financial needs.
A home loan top-up is additional financing available when you switch your home loan to Bajaj Finserv. Transfer your current home loan to us and receive a top-up loan of up to Rs. 1 crore* or higher.
The loan has no end-use limitations, which means you can use the amount for anything, from home renovation or interiors or wedding to even paying for emergency medical bills.
You can apply for a home loan balance transfer after paying off 6 monthly instalments to your current lender. When applying, you must not have outstanding dues on your present loan.
There is no limit on the balance transfer amount with the home loan balance transfer facility. The loan amount sanctioned is based on your income profile, CIBIL Score, and the value of your home
Typically, switching to a lender via a home loan balance transfer takes 5 to 10 days. This duration is also affected by how fast you receive the foreclosure letter and other documents from your current lender.