Your tuition fee can be covered by your education loan, but the cost of your visa, insurance, and travel tickets may not come under it. These costs are substantial and, if unaccounted for, could result in a dip in your savings.
The cost of your overall spending can increase by additional courses, technical programs, tutoring, or elective subjects. In these cases, a loan against property can come in handy.
When you live abroad, your monthly rent is not the only cost of living. Numerous regular costs, including those for food, transportation, clothing, phone, and high-speed internet, all pile up. These costs can add up quickly and drastically deplete your finances.
Frequently asked questions
Any salaried or self-employed individual can apply for a loan against property with Bajaj Finance Limited if you meet our eligibility criteria. Your age, employment status and city of residence are some of the key factors that must be met.
If you are a self-employed Indian citizen residing in India, between the age of 25 years to 85 years, you are eligible for the loan. Other factors like your income profile, your CIBIL Score, etc. are also considered during the approval process.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Loan Against Property is a secured loan in which you mortgage your property to a lender in exchange for a substantial sanction to cover your expenses. Several factors influence the final loan amount, including the individual's profile and repayment capacity, the property's valuation, and the lender's loan-to-value ratio.
You can conveniently repay a loan over a convenient repayment tenure of up to 15 years.
The CIBIL Score is an important indicator of your creditworthiness. To get a loan against property, it is preferable to maintain a CIBIL Score of 700 or higher.