Several factors affect the interest rate on your Fixed Deposit, just as they would affect the interest rates offered on a loan or the premium offered on insurance. While the general economic climate of the country will have a significant role to play, there are factors specific to your application that issuers will look at when offering you an FD rate, one of which is the tenure of your FD. Here’s how.
Choose a longer tenure for higher interest rates
Most issuers offer higher interest rates for long-term FDs. For example, for a 24-month FD, Bajaj Finance offers up to 0.40% p.a. higher interest rate than an FD for 12 months for the cumulative variant and a 0.52% higher interest rate for the same tenure on a non-cumulative FD with a monthly payout. Issuers offer better rates for long-tenure FDs specifically to motivate long-term investments. If you need to access the money at regular intervals, you can still invest it for a longer time frame and opt for a non-cumulative variant.