The Ayushman Bharat Yojana, also known as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), is a government healthcare scheme in India. Under this initiative, eligible beneficiaries receive financial protection against healthcare expenses. To avail of the benefits, individuals must possess an Ayushman Bharat card, which serves as a key document in this process. Beneficiaries can complete the Ayushman card download process to ensure they have access to the necessary healthcare services.
In this article, we will guide you through the steps on how to download your Ayushman Bharat card online, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the Ayushman card downloading process.
Ayushman card download: Online process
You can download Ayushman Bharat card online through a simple process that can be completed through the official website of the scheme. Once the verification process is complete on the website, you can proceed with the Ayushman card download PDF by mobile number.
Follow the steps mentioned below for PMJAY card PDF download:
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Ayushman Bharat scheme. The official website address is
Step 2: On the homepage, look for the 'Am I Eligible' option on the top menu and click on it.
Step 3: Enter your mobile number that is linked with your Ayushman Bharat account.
Step 4: If your name is on the beneficiary list, you will receive an OTP on the mobile number linked to your account. Enter the OTP to confirm your identity.
Step 5: Once your identity is confirmed, you will be redirected to a new page where you can download the Ayushman Bharat card or PMJAY card.
Step 6: Click on the 'Download Card' option provided on the screen.
Step 7: Your Ayushman Bharat card will be downloaded in PDF format.
Step 8: For future use, take a printout of the card and carry it with you wherever you go for medical treatment.
Read more: ABHA ID - Benefits and application process
How to Download Ayushman Card through NHA Beneficiary Portal
To complete the Ayushman card download, follow these steps:
Step 1: Log into the NHA Beneficiary Portal using your registered mobile number or credentials.
Step 2: Search for the beneficiary by name or ID.
Step 3: Enter your Aadhaar number for verification.
Step 4: View the list of eligible Ayushman cards.
Step 5: Initiate the download process.
Step 6: Authenticate your identity for security purposes.
Step 7: Download the Ayushman card and save it for future use under the Ayushman Bharat scheme.
How to download Ayushman card through Ayushman App
Given below are the steps to download Ayushman card using the Ayushman app:
Step 1: Open the Ayushman Bharat app on your smartphone.
Step 2: Log in using your registered mobile number and OTP.
Step 3: Navigate to the ‘Ayushman Card’ section.
Step 4: Search for your beneficiary details.
Step 5: Initiate the Ayushman card download process.
Step 6: Authenticate your identity if needed.
Step 7: Download and save the card for future use.
How to download Ayushman Card through Umang Portal
Below are the steps to download Ayushman card using the Umang portal:
Step 1: Open the UMANG app or visit the Umang portal.
Step 2: Log in using your registered credentials or mobile number.
Step 3: Search for the ‘Ayushman Bharat’ service.
Step 4: Enter your Aadhaar number or registered details.
Step 5: View the Ayushman card under your profile.
Step 6: Initiate the Ayushman card download process and save it.
How to download Ayushman Card Via DigiLocker
The steps given below can be used to download the Ayushman card using DigiLocker:
Step 1: Open the DigiLocker app or visit the website.
Step 2: Log in using your Aadhaar-linked mobile number.
Step 3: Navigate to the “Issued Documents” section.
Step 4: Search for the Ayushman Bharat card.
Step 5: Authenticate your details for verification.
Step 6: Complete the Ayushman card download process and store it securely in your DigiLocker account.
Ayushman card download: Offline process
In case you face any issues while downloading the Ayushman Bharat card online, you can download the Ayushman Bharat card offline through Common Service Centres (CSCs). The following steps will guide you on Ayushman card download offline.
Step 1: Visit any nearby CSC centre. You can find your nearest CSC centre by visiting the official website of the CSC scheme
Step 2: Once you reach the CAP centre, you will have to provide your mobile number for verification.
Step 3: Once your identity is confirmed, you need to provide all the necessary documents for registration.
Step 4: The authorised person at the CSC will then verify your details and issue the Ayushman Bharat card.
Step 5: Collect the card from the CSC centre after a few days.