A Demat account is fundamental to trading in the financial market. It holds a record of transactions of all the shares that you buy and sell as an investor. While you can easily operate your Demat account through a web portal or Demat account app, a depository participant (DP) is an intermediary in the trade process. They can be banks or financial institutions, which act as brokers facilitating your trade on the stock exchange. When you put in a request to buy or sell, it is then sent to the exchange through these depository participants. Thus, they also have a role in maintaining your Demat account.
In this article, we will explore how to operate a Demat account through Demat account apps, break it down into simple steps, and help you understand the various costs involved in opening and maintaining a Demat account.
How to operate a Demat account?
You can open a Demat account online or through a Demat account app after conducting thorough research. Your research should include information on Demat fees and charges and the reliability of the depository participant, among others. However, Demat accounts do not work in a vacuum. In reality, they are linked with two other accounts to be operational. These include your bank account and a trading account. Let us take a look at both of these one by one.
Also read: What is Demat account
Trading account
Your Demat account is a ‘record’ of the trades. The actual trades take place through a trading account. Thus, a trading account is essential to trade in the market. While you make the trades from your trading account, the records of shares bought and sold are safely stored in your Demat account.
Bank account
It is mandatory to link a bank account to your Demat account as it is the source of funds for your trading activity in the market. This may also be done through your Demat account app. For beginners or small investors in the stock market, a basic service Demat account can be a good choice.
After creating a Demat account, you can easily leverage the Demat account app to manage it seamlessly. Almost all the top brokerage firms provide mobile applications that can be used to open and manage a Demat account and execute trades, access market analysis, and monitor markets, among other features.