Fulfilling India's Financial Needs

We believe this is India’s moment - a vast and vibrant nation brimming with boundless energy.

At Bajaj Finserv, we are committed to making our nation financially resilient and strong. By actively contributing to financial inclusion, employability, social betterment and the environment.

Bajaj Finserv has been an enthusiastic participant in the digital revolution sweeping India.

1 in 7 Indians is our valued customer, making Bajaj Finserv a one-stop integrated solution for financial well-being of a billion-strong nation.


Financial solutions

0+ million

Customers served

0 Locations

active distribution points

BFL's on-ground presence


Insurance agents of BALIC and BAGIC

0 crore

Lives covered (Individual & Group) by BALIC

0 per 0
policies issued

Lowest Grievance Ratio in industry of
BAGIC in 9 months FY2024 as per IRDA